Title 이벤트 뉴스 프로젝트 소식 아티스트 소개 고정 Contents 에덴루프의 최신 소식을 공지드립니다.블록체인 기술 기반 NFT 거래소인 에덴루프가코엑스와 NFT 아트전을 기획하고 공동주관 협약을 체결![코엑스 윈터 NFT 갤러리 2021]가 개최될 예정입니다.(12월 23일 ~ 31일까지)[코엑스 윈터 NFT 갤러리 2021]은 ‘비상(飛上/非常)한 전시’라는 주제로새해에 모두의 꿈이 비상(飛上)하길 바라는 바램과 비상(非常)한 작가 작품 전시를 제공하는 명실공히 도심 속 소원성취 아트축제입니다.행사 기간 코엑스 실내 로비에서 NFT 참여 작가님들의다양한 작품과 윈터 갤러리 오브제들이 전시될 예정이오니 많은 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다. 자세한 내용 확인하기http://www.it-b.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=54910 We are beyond excited to announce that we are partnering with Coex to organize the ‘Coex Winter NFT Gallery 2021’ this coming December. The organizers of this thrilling event are MEMEWE GANGNAM (Gangnam district), Korea International Trade Association (KITA), Coex MICE Cluster Committee (CMC).Coex- the leading exhibition and convention venue located at the center of Korean wave culture, Gangnam district. Coex is the biggest event organizer in Korea since its establishment in 1986 and hosts over 200 trade shows and 2,500 conferences every year.[Coex Winter NFT Gallery 2021]Date: 23 December, 2021~31 December 2021Time: To be announcedVenue: Coex Exhibition Hall, Seoul (To be announced)We have been dealing and somehow ‘cooperating’ with COVID-19 for a long period of time, neither this could stop us from the NFT craze. It is time to gather here at the ‘Coex Winter NFT Gallery 2021’ this December. The concept of the exhibition ‘비상(飛上/非常)’, means ‘flying’ or ‘extremely’ in Korean. We invite you to ‘fly high with us’ with the ‘extremely unique and extraordinary artworks’ to dream a brand new year and we want you here at this dream-come-true exhibition.The featured NFT artists’ creations will be displayed in Coex’s indoor lobby, you can expect more than what you imagine as we bring you hope and heal the heart with Winter Gallery Objet d’art (winter edition artworks).This is a perfect chance to immerse yourself in the world of NFT art with contemporary art, painting, sculpture, graffiti, video and etc. You will stand a chance to meet the artworks of 25 best artists in Korea, and sales will be held through EdenLoop NFT Marketplace.http://www.it-b.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=54910