Title 이벤트 뉴스 프로젝트 소식 아티스트 소개 고정 Contents 에덴루프의 최신 소식을 공지드립니다.1. 350만달러 투자유치에덴루프가 델타인베스트먼트, 아트벤처스, 가나아트 등 벤처캐피탈 및 전략 투자자로 부터 총 350만달러 투자 유치를 완료했습니다!!2. BlockLoop System 발표곧 도래할 웹 3.0 시대에 앞장서 NFT search engine - BlockLoop System을 발표!Block Loop 시스템은 구글의 웹 크롤러 기술과 유사한 방식으로 Blockchain 생태계에서 작동하는 NFT 검색엔진 시스템입니다.자세한 기사 내용 확인하기http://www.segyebiz.com/newsView/20211208503919?OutUrl=naver Today, we are excited to announce EdenLoop has raised a total of $3.5 million USD in capital funding, funded by venture capitals Delta Investment, Art Ventures and Gana Art and more.Why EdenLoop?EdenLoop is a Web 3.0-orientated NFT marketplace securing artists’ rights and the ownership of digital creative works as we all know Web 3.0 focuses on personalization, clearly tells why decentralized, quasi-anonymous platform and ecosystem are crucial now. These prevent fraud or plagiarism of the artworks. Our expanded blockchain technology enhances and ensures that the IP addresses, whether 2D or 3D artworks, will be secured.● Blockloop System — a NFT search engine to filter and optimize your customized NFT exploration.● VisualLoop System — a system to transfer and secure codes or visual effects of 3D data and 3D contents of NFTs. The rendering time of high quality 3D data will be visibly shortened to be utilized easily in Metaverse.● Limited Gallery — a gallery of featured artworks created by well-known and prominent K-artists. NFT limited editions can be resold on secondary markets through blockchain transaction.Web3.0, in the context of Ethereum, refers to decentralized apps that run on the blockchain. These are apps that allow anyone to participate in this ecosystem, just like everyone can be part of EdenLoop. Web 3.0, the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem is growing faster than we imagine and in no time we will be the first worldwide K-NFT marketplace, presenting you exclusive K-NFTs.Dive in as more global events and promotions are on their way!http://www.segyebiz.com/newsView/20211208503919?OutUrl=naver